AWE (A Woman’s Experience) (Journals)
AWE, acronym for A Woman’s Experience, is an annual journal of BYU Women’s Studies and is co-published by the College of Humanities and College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences. Founded in 2011, the journal provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary investigation into all aspects of a woman’s experience in the academy and elsewhere.
Ballard Brief (Journals)
It’s easy to see the surface of social problems, but to really start to solve them you have to dive deeper. BYU’s Ballard Brief authors are doing just that. Students dedicate an entire semester to finding good information from multiple credible sources and then compiling their research into high-quality Briefs about current social challenges and their potential solutions.
Are you looking to start a non-profit? Starting a social venture? Working for a corporation that wants to be more socially responsible? Or just wanting to volunteer your time and efforts towards a cause you care about? Access our free research library to find out more about the issues that you are hoping to help solve.
Brigham Young University Prelaw Review (Journals)
One of the premier undergraduate prelaw reviews in the nation. The Review is well recognized and annually distributed to each law school across the country. The journal mirrors a typical law review found at any top-tier law program: student - run and published.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Brigham Young University-Public School Partnership Occasional Papers (Journals)
The Brigham Young University-Public School Partnership Occasional Papers publishes articles related to the work of the partnership. Papers are intended to support the work of those involved in educator preparation programs at universities and teachers and administrators working in the public schools. Brigham Young University-Public School Partnership Occasional Papers.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series (Western North American Naturalist Publications)
The Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series published long-format original natural history research in 20 volumes from the years 1955 to 1978.
See the About this Journal for a complete coverage of the journal.

BYU Asian Studies Journal (Journals)
BYU's Asian Studies Student Journal publishes student papers on a wide range of topics including history, politics, literature, culture, art and more. Papers should meet the following criteria:
Research on an Asian topic
2000 to 7000 words
Written by a BYU undergraduate student (regardless of major)
If you have a research paper that deserves to be seen by more than your professor, consider submitting it for consideration.
BYU Education & Law Journal (Journals)
Faculty and graduate students at the McKay School of Education and students at the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University support a national peer-review Board of Authors to publish the BYU Education and Law Journal. The mission of the BYU Education and Law Journal is to contribute to equity, fairness, justice, and the improvement of education everywhere by facilitating legal and policy research, discussion, and understanding.
To view past issues of the journal, please visit
BYU Family Historian (Journals)
BYU Family Historian was a periodical written annually from 2002 to 2007 by The Center for Family History and Genealogy. Assorted authors including Howard C. Bybee, David H. Pratt, and Mark I. Choate wrote articles for the publication.
The Center for Family History and Genealogy was established at Brigham Young University in order to utilize BYU resources to simplify the process of finding of ancestors and the discovery of the world in which they lived. The Center also supported student training for life-long temple and family history service. Partners of the Center include: BYU Religious Education, BYU Department of History, BYU School of Family Life, BYU Computer Science, State Archives of Niedersachsen, Germany, and the State Archives of Bavaria, Germany.
BYU Studies Quarterly (Journals)
Publishing scholarship informed by the restored gospel of Jesus Christ since 1959.
BYU Studies is dedicated to publishing scholarly religious literature in the form of books, journals, and dissertations that is qualified, significant, and inspiring. We want to share these publications to help promote faith, continued learning, and further interest in our LDS history with those in the world who have a positive interest in this work.
The mission of this publication is to be faithful and scholarly throughout, harmonizing wherever possible the intellectual and the spiritual on subjects of interest to Latter-day Saints and to scholars studying the Latter-day Saint experience.
The archive on this site contains all but the most recent three years of BYU Studies Quarterly content.
Visit our website at for more information about BYU Studies and the BYU Studies Quarterly journal.
Children's Book and Media Review (Journals)
Welcome to the Children's Book and Media Review Archive!
To see our most recent reviews, or to become a reviewer, please visit our website.
Comparative Civilizations Review (Journals)
The Comparative Civilizations Review publishes analytical studies and interpretive essays primarily concerned with (1) the comparison of whole civilizations, (2) the development of theories and methods especially useful in comparative civilization studies, (3) accounts of intercivilizational contacts, and (4) significant issues in the humanities or social sciences studied from a comparative civilizational perspective.
Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism (Journals)
Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism seeks original, well-researched, and intellectually rigorous essays written from diverse critical perspectives and about texts from any time period or literary tradition. We prioritize undergraduate submissions but will consider submissions from those who have recently graduated and students pursuing a master's degree. Because we want to help undergraduates publish their work, we do not publish essays by PhD candidates or research scholars.
Submissions are peer-reviewed by a selection board comprised of students at BYU, and final decisions are made by the journal's lead editors in consultation with a faculty advisor.
Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Symposium (Journals)
Proceedings of the Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Symposium.The BYU College of Humanities sponsored an annual DLLS Symposium from 1975 to 2001. The selected proceedings are peer-reviewed.
Family Perspectives (Journals)
Family Perspectives is a student-led effort to publish exemplary student work and expert opinions on contemporary family topics to inform, inspire, and encourage readers in ways that strengthen home and family.

Great Basin Naturalist (Western North American Naturalist Publications)
Great Basin Naturalist was published from 1939 to 1999 and was succeeded by the Western North American Naturalist. With a few exceptions, the journal published experimental and descriptive research pertaining to the biological natural history of western North America, focusing primarily on the Intermountain States.
See the About this Journal for a complete coverage of the journal.

Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs (Western North American Naturalist Publications)
The Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs succeeded the Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series, and was published irregularly from 1976 to 1992 (Numbers 1 to 13). This memoirs series included articles, symposia, or other works considered too lengthy for publication in the parent journal (Great Basin Naturalist).
See the About this Journal for a complete coverage of the journal.
Inscape (Journals)
"Inscape is the inward quality of objects and events as they are perceived by the joined observation and introspection of a poet, who in turn embodies them in unique forms." –Gerard Manley Hopkins
Inscape is published twice a year as a cooperative effort of the BYU College of Humanities and the Department of English.
Insights: The Newsletter of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship (Journals)
The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship encourages and supports research on the Book of Mormon, the Book of Abraham, the Bible, other ancient scripture, and related subjects. The Maxwell Institute publishes and distributes titles in these areas for the benefit of scholars and interested Latter-day Saint readers.
Primary research interests at the Maxwell Institute include the history, language, literature, culture, geography, politics, and law relevant to ancient scripture. Although such subjects are of secondary importance when compared with the spiritual and eternal messages of scripture, solid research and academic perspectives can supply certain kinds of useful information, even if only tentatively, concerning many significant and interesting questions about scripture.
The Maxwell Institute makes reports about this research available widely, promptly, and economically. These publications are peer-reviewed to ensure that scholarly standards are met. The proceeds from the sale of these materials are used to support further research and publications.
Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship (Journals)
Welcome to the ScholarsArchive repository of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship. We are the academic, peer-reviewed journal of The Interpreter Foundation, a nonprofit, independent, educational organization focused on the scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Articles from completed volumes of Interpreter can be found here, at ScholarsArchive. Volumes that have not been completed (which includes the latest articles) can be found at the main Journal website.
If you would like to contact us, click the Contact link at the left side of the page.

Intuition: The BYU Undergraduate Journal of Psychology (Journals)
Intuition is an undergraduate academic journal of psychology. It is managed, edited, and designed by an editorial board composed of undergraduate psychology and editing students, a faculty adviser, and other faculty members who assist in the reviewing process. Intuition publishes three issues a year, one in both the fall and winter semesters and another at the conclusion of summer term. The journal seeks to publish psychological research, studies, essays, reviews, and cover art done by psychology undergraduates.
Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy (Journals)
Welcome to Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy.
Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy is an online peer-reviewed journal addressing the interface between revealed religion and psychology; specifically, issues of spirituality and the influence of doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) in psychotherapy, including the study of counseling in a spiritual context. It is devoted to influencing the field of counseling and psychotherapy through the study of related scholarship in religion, LDS doctrine, spirituality and ethics.
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (Journals)
A publication of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship.
The Journal of Book of Mormon Studies is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to promoting understanding of the history, meaning, and significance of the scriptures and other sacred texts revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith. These include the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. This journal was titled Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture at one time.Journal of East Asian Libraries (Journals)
The Journal of East Asian Libraries is published twice a year by the Council on East Asian Libraries of the Association for Asian Studies. It publishes reports and scholarly articles related to East Asian libraries and to the history and profession of East Asian librarianship.
Journal of Microfinance / ESR Review (Journals)
The Journal of Microfinance, which has transitioned to the ESR Review, is an exciting forum for practitioners and researchers interested in microfinance and other topics relating to economic development principles. The Journal's purpose is to help shape and advance the field by presenting articles on innovative approaches, lessons learned, empirical studies, and essays that represent the broad spectrum of views the field of economic self-reliance in the United States and abroad.
Fall 2008 Volume 10 Number 2 is the most current issue. The Economic Self-Reliance Center at Brigham Young University will no longer be publishing issues of the ESR Review.
Journal of Nonprofit Innovation (Journals)
Journal of Nonprofit Innovation (JoNI) is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal academic research and thought paper on community and global issues related to the nonprofit sector.title>.
JoNI is bridging the gap between academic research and nonprofits operating on the ground by making research more accessible that’s related to civil society.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Journal of Response to Writing (Journals)
Journal of Response to Writing
The Journal of Response to Writing is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes papers based on research, theory, and/or practice that meaningfully contribute to an understanding of how response practices lead to better writing. Articles contribute to first, second, and foreign language writing, teaching, and response practices in order to
- Provide a venue for theorizing and reporting ground-breaking research on response to writing
- Invite writing theorists, researchers, and practitioners to a venue to share their work with one another and colleagues in adjacent fields, most notably Rhetoric and Composition, Applied Linguistics, and Foreign Language teaching vis à vis L1 and L2 writing
- Provide new or experienced teachers with immediate suggestions for use in giving, encouraging, or managing responses to their students’ writing
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Journal of Spatial Hydrology (Journals)
Publish Your Research
We are currently accepting submissions for the next issue of Journal of Spatial Hydrology™! If you are a researcher in the water science domain and have an original research paper, case study, software introduction, or dataset description that you would like to publish, we invite you to submit it to be considered for publication in our next issue!
- Instructions for preparing your manuscript for submission
- Download our Word document template for your submission
- Here is the PDF version of the template including instructions as comment bubbles.
- General Submission Guidelines are available on the Policies page
- More information about Journal of Spatial Hydrology™
Journal of the Jussi Björling Societies of the USA & UK (Journals)
The Journal of the Jussi Björling Societies of the USA and UK is a magazine funded and produced by the membership of the Jussi Björling Society - USA.
It contains scholarly articles about Jussi Björling and other great singers, past and present. It also includes news and announcements of upcoming musical events and projects of the Society and of related organizations; reviews and reports of CDs, books and musical events; and anecdotes and memories of Jussi enthusiasts. For more information about the Society, please visit
Journal of Undergraduate Research (Journals)
Welcome to the Journal of Undergraduate Research. This page contains published research reports resulting from undergraduate mentoring.
Marriage and Families (Journals)
A peer-reviewed publication by the School of Family life at Brigham Young University dedicated to strengthening families.
Marriage & Families is a journal for young couples, husbands & wives, parents, and professionals, including educators, counselors, therapists, psychologists, physicians, social workers, nurses, public health people, teachers, clergy, experts in family law, and everyone interested in marriage and families. Our editorial board members belong to many faiths with a common belief in the importance of traditional families.
This periodical was published from 1999-2006 by the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. The last issue of Marriage & Families was Vol. 18, No. 1 (2006).
Marriott Student Review (Journals)
Marriott Student Review is a student journal created and published as a project for the Writing for Business Communications course at Brigham Young University (BYU). The views expressed in Marriott Student Review are not necessarily endorsed by BYU or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist (Western North American Naturalist Publications)
Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist publishes peer-reviewed original research pertaining to the biological natural history of western North America. Typically, monograph articles are of a breadth and length that exceeds the specifications of the associated quarterly journal Western North American Naturalist.
Submissions are always welcome. Please submit manuscripts to our editorial management system here.
For inquiries, please contact us by email at or phone at 801-422-6688.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Mormon Pacific Historical Society (Journals)
Fostering the study and recording of the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands.
The Mormon Pacific Historical Society was founded in 1978 by Lance D. Chase and Kenneth W. Baldridge at Brigham Young University-Hawaii to foster the study and recording of LDS Church history in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Annual meetings were held at various locations and papers were presented, displays prepared, and local folks “talk story” about events in local LDS history. All of these were then transcribed and/or published in the organization’s Proceedings.
Mormon Studies Review (Journals)
A publication of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship.
Since 1989, the Mormon Studies Review published review essays to help serious readers make informed choices and judgments about books and other publications on topics related to the Latter-day Saint religious tradition. These publications, originally produced by the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS), included substantial freestanding essays that made further contributions to the field of Mormon studies. The journal was originally called Review of Books on the Book of Mormon beginning in 1989, then FARMS Review of Books in 1996, followed by The FARMS Review in 2003. In 2011 the journal was renamed Mormon Studies Review. These volumes are located here in ScholarsArchive under the title Review of Books on the Book of Mormon. In 2014, under the auspices of BYU's Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, Mormon Studies Review relaunched with a new format and editorial direction. Volumes of this latest iteration are located in ScholarsArchive under the title Mormon Studies Review.
Newsletter of the Jussi Björling Societies of the USA & UK (Journals)
The Newsletter of the Jussi Björling Societies of the USA and UK is funded and produced by the membership of the Jussi Björling Society - USA.
It contains news and articles about Jussi Björling and other great singers, past and present. For more information about the Society, please visit Water Journal (Journals)
Publish Your Research
We are currently accepting submissions for the next issue of Open Water Journal™! If you are a researcher in the water science domain and have an original research paper, case study, software introduction, or dataset description that you would like to publish, we invite you to submit it to be considered for publication in our next issue!
- Instructions for preparing your manuscript for submission
- Download our Word document template for your submission
- Here is the PDF version of the template including instructions as comment bubbles.
- General Submission Guidelines are available on the Policies page
- More information about Open Water™
Quidditas (Journals)
Quidditas, the annual, online journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association invites submissions from all aspects of medieval and Renaissance or early modern disciplines: art, literature, history, music, philosophy, religion, languages, rhetoric, Islamic and New World cultures, global regions, comparative and interdisciplinary studies. Online format enables extensive illustrations. Since there is no subscription fee, Quidditas is easily available from any computer.
See the Aims and Scope for more information about the journal.
Religion in the Age of Enlightenment (Journals)
Religion in the Age of Enlightenment (RAE) is an annual, peer-reviewed journal that published scholarly examinations of (1) religion and religious attitudes and practices during the age of Enlightenment; (2) the impact of the Enlightenment on religion, religious thought, and religious experience; and (3) the ways religion informed Enlightenment ideas and values, from a range of disciplinary perspectives, including, but not limited to, history, theology, literature, philosophy, the social and physical sciences, economics, and the law.
Religious Educator: Perspectives on the Restored Gospel (Journals)
The Religious Educator serves the needs and interests of those who study and teach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. The distinct focuses of the journal are on pedagogical studies related to teaching religion; studies on scripture, doctrine, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and Latter-day Saint pioneers across the globe. The journal also publishes interviews that touch upon difficult topics, timely topics, and key figures in Religious Education. The beliefs of the respective authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1989–2011 (Journals)
A publication of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship.
Since 1989, the Review of Books on the Book of Mormon has published review essays to help serious readers make informed choices and judgments about books and other publications on topics related to the Latter-day Saint religious tradition. It has also published substantial freestanding essays that made further contributions to the field of Mormon studies. In 1996, the journal changed its name to the FARMS Review with Volume 8, No 1. In 2011, the journal was renamed Mormon Studies Review. These volumes are located here in ScholarsArchive under the title Mormon Studies Review.
Reviews, Analyses, and Instructional Studies in Electrochemistry (RAISE)
RAISE is an instructor- and/or peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers in the field of electrochemistry with a specific aim to fill the instructional gap between broad textbooks and advanced scientific studies to help raise the next generation of electrochemists and electrochemical engineers and raise the quality of electrochemical studies. This journal welcomes studies that clearly convey the fundamentals of electrochemical methods, theory, measurements, and/or analyses in various applications. The journal will consider submissions with positive and negative findings.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Thank you for your interest!
ISSN: 2997-8947

Russian Language Journal (Journals)
Russian Language Journal is the official refereed journal of the American Council of Teachers of Russian. The journal is a bilingual scholarly review of research, resources, symposia, and publications pertinent to the study and teaching of Russian language and culture, as well as comparative and interdisciplinary research in Russian and other Slavic languages, culture and the acquisition of Russian and other Slavic languages as a second language. The journal seeks to serve the professional interests of classroom instructors, researchers, and administrators across a range of contexts and is dedicated to the advancement of the teaching and learning of Russian. The journal publishes two issues a year - in June (Special Issue) and December (Regular or Thematic Issue).
Selected Papers in Asian Studies: Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (Journals)
Selected Papers in Asian Studies: Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies is published once a year by the Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. It publishes scholarly articles on all subjects related to Asia.
Sigma: Journal of Political and International Studies (Journals)
Sigma is Brigham Young University’s undergraduate student journal focused on political science and international relations. We accept all kinds of papers: qualitative, quantitative, experimental; shorter research notes, book reviews, policy briefs, and longer research papers. We are willing to explore a variety of topics, from American and comparative politics to security and area studies. Student work may originate from a class assignment or from mentored research with a faculty member.
The editors generally select papers in September and December for revision during the Fall and Winter Semesters, but submissions are welcome throughout the year. The only requirement is that students are willing to spend time during Fall or Winter semester making revisions to your paper based on feedback from Sigma's editors. The journal is published annually in April. Submit your paper now! To submit articles for possible publication, see our website at

Studia Antiqua (Journals)
Studia Antiqua is an annual student journal dedicated to publishing the research of graduate and undergraduate students from all disciplines of ancient studies. The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Brigham Young University or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Studia Antiqua accepts manuscripts for publication year-round. Conditional acceptances for publication are usually issued in the winter months. Rounds of revising by both editors and submitters take up most of the spring in order to prepare papers for final publication in late spring or summer. For submission guidelines and more information, please visit the Studia Antiqua home page.
Submissions and queries should be sent to Please enclose in your message your name, institution, and current position in schooling (second-year undergraduate student, first-year graduate student, etc.).
Studies in the Bible and Antiquity (Journals)
A publication of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship.
Studies in the Bible and Antiquity is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to promoting understanding of the history, meaning, and significance of the Bible and other ancient religious texts.
Swiss American Historical Society Newsletter (Journals)
This newsletter was produced by the Swiss American Historical Society, whose purpose is to institute, conduct and encourage historical research; to collect and preserve the data and materials of history; to record the achievements of Swiss-American citizens and residents of Swiss extraction and their influence upon the progress and development of governmental institutions, and of industry, science and ion in the United States of America, and to publish and distribute information and data concerning the same.
Swiss American Historical Society Review (Journals)
The Swiss American Historical Society Review has been published three times annually since 1990 and is a continuation of the Swiss American Historical Society Newsletter, which was published from 1965 through 1989. The Swiss American Historical Society encourages American interest in Swiss history and culture, unites those involved in genealogical research, and serves as a link between Swiss Americans, Swiss, and Americans in fostering cultural awareness and mutual understanding.
The Bridge (Journals)
The Bridge is the semi-annual publication of the Danish American Heritage Society. Since its first issue in 1978, The Bridge has published an assortment of scholarly and popular articles, essays, translations, stories, and book reviews that are relevant to better understanding the heritage and life experiences of Danish immigrants to the United States and their descendants.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
The Thetean: A Student Journal for Scholarly Historical Writing (Journals)
Undergraduate journal of the BYU history department.
The Utah English Journal (Journals)
The Utah English Journal (UEJ) is the annual publication of the Utah Council of Teachers of English (UCTE), an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). As a practitioner journal, The UEJ features articles pertaining to issues of interest for English Language Arts (ELA) educators at all levels of instruction. This peer-reviewed journal accepts manuscripts of several categories including: research-based articles, teaching commentary columns, short pedagogy practice-based pieces, and creative works including poetry. The Journal was awarded the 2024 Journal of Excellence by NCTE.
Be sure to view the Current Call for Manuscripts in the navigation bar.

Western North American Naturalist (Western North American Naturalist Publications)
The Western North American Naturalist (formerly Great Basin Naturalist) publishes peer-reviewed experimental and descriptive research pertaining to the biological natural history of western North America.
Submissions are always welcome. Please submit manuscripts to our editorial management system here.
For inquiries, please contact us by email at or phone at 801-422-6688.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.